Discover Nebraska

Honoring Nebraska Through Quilts

Discover Nebraska is a Quilting/Social Studies Unit geared to 4th graders studying Nebraska History. Our committee members are volunteers from the Lincoln Quilters Guild and the community. The finished project is a paper quilt to hang in the classroom. The program is free. There are two options for the presentations: 2 hours includes lecture and classroom activity to make the paper quilts.  1 hour is lecture only with materials left for the classroom activity if requested.  The two hour presentation  requires a two-hour block of uninterrupted time. After a forty-five minute presentation to all the 4th graders in a central room (usually Media Center), the students and a volunteer go to their classrooms to color and piece the paper quilt and then return to the presentation room to show their class quilt. We close with a review that reinforces the material presented and show our "current" quilting projects.

To schedule a presentation, contact Sheila at 402-440-3127 or email: 
Indicate 1 hour or 2 hour presentation, date, time of day and number of 4th grade classrooms in your school.

The Discover Nebraska Quilt